Nature Base Volunteer Application Form Information

(You can print and complete information on this page or email us; for a Block Box Page Application Form, or if you require any support in completing this)



1. Personal Information




Known as:

 Any previous names by which you have been known:

Date of Birth:

Home Address:



Daytime Tel No:

Mobile Tel No:

Evening Tel No:

Email Address:


2. Education, Training & Qualifications Information

Please give details of any relevant training and qualifications which you feel equip you to work with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults. Please include dates.









3. Employment & Voluntary Work Experience

Please provide a full history (with dates wherever possible) of any previous experience you may have of looking after and/or working with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults, whether paid or voluntary. 











4. Why do you want to volunteer?

Please tell us why you would like to volunteer with Nature Base to work with children, young people and/or vulnerable adults and the skills & qualities you think you would bring to the role. Please also tell us about any skills or experience you hope to gain through this opportunity:










6. Health Information

Please provide information about any disability or health issue that we should be aware of in order that we can identify what support or reasonable adjustments we can provide for you to undertake volunteering duties safely with us.








7. References

At least 2 references will be sought to support your application. Please give details of one employment and one personal reference. We will be clear in the request that this is an adhoc Voluntary work.



Telephone No:     

Address (including postcode):


Email Address:

In what capacity do you know this person? 



Telephone No:     

Address (including postcode):



Email Address:

In what capacity do you know this person? 



DBS (Disclosure Barring Service)

Please provide details of a valid DBS and if you are part of the Update Service? Y/N


Certificate No:

Date of Issue:

Level of Check:


We will be in contact to discuss any further requirements.



I confirm that to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided on this form is correct and I accept that providing deliberately false information could result in my termination of my role as a volunteer.

I understand that any offer of appointment to a volunteering role is subject to satisfactory checks and satisfactory disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service if/at the appropriate level. Nature Base adopt a Safer Recruitment Policy.

I understand that if I am appointed to a volunteering role there will be a settling in period and review.    We look forward to supporting you in this. 



Print Name:

